How to take better care of your boiler

Investing in regular boiler servicing can help you and your family stay warm all year round. Plus, it helps you avoid costly breakdowns. Here’s a useful guide to taking care of your boiler, including things you can do in-between your professional service checks.

Tips for taking care of your boiler

Arrange an annual service

Ensure your boiler is checked and serviced each year by a professional OFTEC-registered engineer. This will ensure any problems are spotted and fixed early on, rather than waiting for your boiler to break down. 

Keep your boiler ventilated

It’s important to keep your boiler ventilated to give it the oxygen it needs to burn fuel efficiently. Ideally, there should be a gap of at least 700mm between the boiler and any obstructions, so be mindful of this if it’s in a cupboard. Likewise, try to clear coats, towels and other items out of the way.

Check the pressure

Boiler pressure problems can lead to heating issues, and very unpleasant showers! Checking the pressure can distribute hot water more evenly throughout the home. Simply look for the pressure gauge (this should be in the manual, or one of our trained engineers can show you). If it’s too high or low, give us a call on  03457 620 620.

Look for drips from the overflow pipe

The “external pipe” should not have any leaks or drips coming from it. If you notice this, it’s a sign that your boiler is not functioning properly, so call one of our engineers on 03457 620 620.

Make sure the boiler flame is blue

This is one of the most important checks, as an orange or yellow flame could indicate a carbon monoxide leak. Check the flame and look for a strong blue colour. If in doubt, call us on 03457 620 620.

Insulate your pipes

Also known as ‘lagging’, insulating pipes with foam tubes can help to prevent freezing during the winter. This will save you lots of hassle and help prevent bigger issues.

Bleed your radiators

Over time, air in your heating pipes will become trapped, leading to unevenly heated rooms and general cold patches. By ‘bleeding’ a radiator, you can release this air and allow for a more even spread.

 Section deleted – it’s a bit risky telling customer to check things themselves – we’ll also review the Certas article. 

With Boiler Servicing from Scottish Fuels, you’re in safe hands

If you’re looking for a boiler service you can trust, or if you’ve had an emergency boiler breakdown, you can trust our OFTEC-registered engineers to provide an expert, reliable service. 

Find out more about our different packages and prices here.

Or give our dedicated heating services team a call on  03457 620 620

Our boiler services are subject to terms and conditions, available at

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