Our handy tips for saving fuel


We care about keeping you safe and warm, but now more than ever with the cost of living increasing, people are keeping an eye on their fuel consumption.

So here are our top fuel -saving tips, from being savvy with your heating oil through to taking care of your boiler.

  1. Service your boiler regularly

It’s important to get your boiler frequently checked, ideally by an OFTEC registered engineer.  Not only will it help you avoid any surprise breakdowns, but it could also help your boiler burn fuel more efficiently. Inefficient heating systems can burn through heating oil too quickly, so a regular service could help you conserve heating oil in the long run. We offer a range of boiler care plans to cover boiler maintenance, repairs, and replacements. You can find out more about our boiler servicing on our website here

  1. Give your tank some TLC

Metal tank? Look out for signs of rust and patches of damp. 

Plastic tank? Keep an eye out for the plastic becoming brittle and causing cracks, if the plastic starts to look pale this can be a sign of sun bleaching which can lead to deterioration. These little checks take moments and could help you avoid costly leaks and spillages.  That’s why we also do visual tank inspections with every heating oil delivery.

  1. Consider premium kerosene

When your tank is ready for a fuel top up choose a premium kerosene. It can be cleaner burning, kinder to your boiler and could help make your boiler burn more efficiently too if used as part of your regular boiler care routine.

You can find out more about our premium kerosene, Glowmax here.

  1. Get a smart fuel monitor for your tank

Smart monitors can help you keep track of your heating oil usage.  They usually come with a handy mobile app, and alerts, so you can see when you’re running low.  A smart fuel monitor is great for controlling what you’re spending, spotting leaks and thefts, and making sure you never run out of heating oil again.  If you’d like to find out more about our Smart Monitors click here.

  1. Bleed your radiators regularly

Radiators should be bled regularly to ensure there are no pockets of air which can prevent the heating system working at its full efficiency. If left un-bled this can cause the radiator to distribute the heat unevenly meaning your rooms could take longer to heat up.  

  1. Keep radiators free from obstructions

Even if your heating system is running at optimum efficiency if large furniture or items are blocking the radiator, this can prevent the air being able to circulate and you won’t feel the benefit of the heat – the furniture will!

  1. Lower your thermostat by 1 degree

This may not sound like much but turning down your thermostat by just 1 degree can make a difference and could reduce your bills by up to 10% per year*.

It’s also a good idea to turn down radiators in rooms when you’re not in them.  Or set timers to come on only when you’re at home.

  1. Secure your home from drafts

Home insulation plays a big part in maintaining the temperature of your home and keeping your fuel usage lower. This could be something to consider however we understand this can be costly. If Adding insulation isn’t in your budget there are still some low cost ways to improve your energy efficiency. Make sure that all potential sources of drafts are sealed off, heat can escape through windows and gaps around doors. Open curtains in the day to let in the sunlight and close in the evening to keep the warmth in. Keep internal doors closed where possible to keep the heat in and consider a draft excluder if you have a large gap under the door.

Putting as many of these tips as you can into action can improve your overall energy efficiency and fuel consumption, which could help to keep your costs lower.

Follow and keep an eye on our social media channels for more tips and guides!

*Source: ukifda.org/ukifda-supporting-big-energy-saving-week-by-sharing-advice-on-cutting-fuel-bills

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