Scottish Fuels is celebrating Pride Month for our second year running, beginning this June. We understand that Pride Month is a time that allows us all, whatever our identity, to play a part in helping to raise awareness of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, as well as to celebrate equality, love and visibility as a community.
Proud of our Initiatives
Scottish Fuels is not only supporting a great youth LGBTQ+ charity this year and fundraising for gender-diverse charity ‘Mermaids’, but we are also launching two new exciting internal initiatives.
The first, Google’s #IamRemarkable workshop, is designed to boost our more reserved colleagues’ confidence and self-promotion skills, while the second, our first-ever Certas LGBTQ+ Colleague Network, is a safe space for like-minded colleagues to network, discuss on-topic subjects, and suggest ways we can improve the workplace.
Proud of our Colleagues
We are PROUD of all of our employees at Scottish Fuels, and we will continue to be a light of inclusivity for the LGBTQ+ community and allies, allowing them to be their genuine, authentic self.
We asked a couple of our coworkers for their perspectives on what Pride means to them:
Carol Cowe - Router
What does Pride mean to me?
“Pride is important to me because acceptance is important to me. Every one of us is different but that does not mean any one is less deserving.
Pride is a protest as well as a celebration; we march on the current issues and rejoice in the past achievements. Paying homage to those who have fought before us and to continue the good fight.
Pride spreads love, joy and positivity. The atmosphere is electric, it really is great to be part of it.”

Niall Taylor - National Business Development & Project Manager
What are you most excited about this pride month at Certas/ Scottish Fuels?
“I’m really excited about the launch of an initiative called “I am Remarkable”. I will be running this for Certas and is in collaboration with Google. The workshop helps all colleagues who find themselves in the minority at Certas to promote themselves and their achievements.
After participating in each workshop; 49% of people see job/career growth; 82% are more confident and 89% are self-promoting more.
Why is Pride Month important to you?
Pride month is important because it helps with change. Attitudes have changed significantly since I was a teenager but we’re not there yet. For instance, 30 years ago the press would have blackmailed Jake Daniels, the first UK professional footballer to come out since 1990, and made his life hell. In 2022 the press knew about this months ago and respectfully left it to Jake to tell his story. Yet, disturbingly one news channel had to disable their online comments section because of vile comments being posted…
As a kid I told myself that gay stood for Good As You! I’ve been pushing for equality since I was 10 years old!”

Lisa Malone - Internal Communications Manager
What are you most excited about this pride month at Certas/ Scottish Fuels?
“I’m excited to see how colleagues will take part and show support by decorating work places this year. During last year’s PRIDE many were still working from home, so I think we will see more participation this year.
Why is Pride Month important to you?
PRIDE is important to me because it empowers people to talk about themselves and raising awareness about issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community and how everyone can support and be an ally.
What does Inclusion mean to you?
Inclusion to me means seeing a person without judgement or preconception. Not making assumptions based on labels and accommodating differences in culture, religion and lifestyle.”

Myra McPartlin - Head of Commercial Sales, SNAP
What does Pride mean to me?
“Pride is a space for everyone to celebrate being their authentic selves, at home and at work. It’s more than just an annual discussion and a brand change, it’s an opportunity for all of us allies to shout our support loudly and to appreciate the diversity of each of our colleagues.
Pride is close to my heart and a celebration that I look forward to every year. Historically, our industry in the UK has been predominately male, straight and white-dominated and it’s not until we achieve a more diverse culture that we will achieve our potential as an organisation by bringing in a variety of different perspectives that reflect our society. We’ve come a long way, and Pride is a chance for all of us to reflect on this journey while reminding us to support our colleagues to live their best lives supported by the Certas and Scottish Fuels community.
Pride for me is an opportunity to shout “BE WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!”, that’s all that matters.”